The Actors’ Gang
Poster Design

I was comissioned to create the artwork for two plays for The Actors’ Gang, a theatre company based in LA. It was founded in 1981 by a group of young actors looking to build a theater that would present relevant and vibrantly entertaining plays.

Topsy Turvy (2024)A Greek Vaudeville, written and directed by Tim Robbins. When the unity of a Greek chorus is shattered by a mysterious illness, chaos ensues as they desperately invoke the Gods, seeking divine intervention to restore their harmony. 

Methusalem or The Eterna Bourgeois (2023)It was the first German expressionist play written in 1921 by Yvan Goll. It’s a satiric drama, which combines elements of surrealism with farce and comedia dell’arte. 

The Actors’ Gang first presented the play in Los Angeles, directed by Tim Robbins in 1985-1986, and a new adaptation directed by Brent Hinkley returned last year. The play incorporated contemporary issues into their production, such as workers complaining about AI technology, drawing a clear parallel to the incompetence of the modern day bourgeois.
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